== Redfrogotr's Blog ==
The journey is the reward.

Read/ Steve Jobs

Reading Notes |

One month ago, I had finished reading this book, this English, information-sufficient, with many infamiliar words book. I think it is deserved that brings extremely diverse experiences and has been inspiring me, though it spends lots of time.

When I read some last pages about You you, Ma played on his funeral, I teared. That’s true. It is really a tearjerker. When Isaacson uses

While some may see them as the crazy one, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

from Think Different

as the tail, I prefer The journey is the reward. Because we must accept ourselves, accept our perfectlessness, accept what you can’t accept in the world. Is that compromission? I don’t think so despite the motivation of changing the world is from we can’t endure the world. Because we must focus, we must try our best to do what we want to achieve, we shouldn’t follow the result that will distract our behavior and make it be contrieved. On the time, we are not following our heart. I know it is a little unreasonable, but I have a try.

Focus Again

That’s really impressive after reading. I think back the whole life about Steve Jobs. He is autocratic, but he is right(sometimes he is wrong🤣). I think that is its display style over his behaviors, because his target is not becoming a tyrant, he wants creative products with minimalism mission. He hopes products are pragmatic, beautiful. Limitness is not always the bad thing. I know that is just my speculation.

Good night. And I want to write it slowly.